Change is essential for growth, but managing change can be challenging. Change management models provide a structured approach to navigate the complexities of change. In this blog post, we’ll explore common change models and best practices to empower your change journey and embrace new opportunities for success.

Measuring change is crucial for progress and informed decisions, and there are various methods available, including qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods. Each method has its strengths and limitations, and the choice should depend on the research question, context, and available resources. Regardless of the method chosen, it’s essential to ensure that the results are valid, reliable, and meaningful.

Introducing and implementing changes successfully and sustainable on organisational level can be quite a challenge. Especially when changes are commanded and forced the organisation might push back and the change is not sustainable.

Changes are happening all the time in organisations, it’s a constant. There are huge changes that transform the organisation entirely, and there are small changes that affect parts of organisations. It is crucial to understand that change doesn’t happen person by person but through a web of interconnections between people.