User Stories and their Acceptance Criteria as the base of implementation work is shown by the example of drawing a house in this post.

User Stories are commonly used in context of Agile software development but that’s not a limitation. Acceptance Criteria will allow you to determine whether or not you have completed the implementation of a User Story.

Understanding Agile Story Points or Scrum Story Points seem quiet challenging if you are only experienced with time based estimations. This post hopefully eases the situation and makes Story Points clearer.

Story Points are commonly used in Agile software development. When talking about Agile software development we are talking about Scrum in most cases, but there are other methods as well.

Historically Story Points arise from a military context, when during the Cold War the Delphi Method was developed to forecast the impact of technology on warfare. The goal was to get a forecast or estimation of probability and expected development time of a certain technology in a single indicator.