In product development there is a lot of focus on the value creating units, the teams. As many products are developed in a complex context with a certain degree of uncertainty, teams should apply emergent development practices. Teams also should make decision out of their context rather than developing a product based decisions they didn’t make or where not involved in. Teams already get good support in order to do so by adding roles like Scrum Masters or Agile Coaches. What is often forgotten about, is to also adapt the environment that the team is working in. The consequence is that, once teams reach a certain maturity regarding emergent and self-organized way of working, conflicts with regards to the team’s …

The leadership problem Read more »

Product Owner vs Project Manager, what’s the difference? Seems there is none, as many orgnizations just rename roles from one to the other. The cases of renaming that I’ve seen, were one way from Project Manager to Product Owner. That’s a pity as both are distinct roles which require different profile to fill the roles with quality.

Self-organizing teams are an integral part of agile software development and one of the 12 principles of agile manifesto. Even outside agile software development, self.organizing teams can bring a lot of benefits to the organization. The sole purpose of these teams is to ensure that the process of decision making is decentralized, faster, and agreeable to all members. The self-organizing teams are autonomous, hence it becomes possible for them to determine how they want to approach a given problem. They also decide independently of any other teams, group or managers on what decision to take, implement and how to complete any tasks.

As a Product Owner I would like to know how to write good User Stories So that I can provide ideal input to teams for turning requirements into a product increment. What is an User Story? An User Story is a brief description of a certain functionality or desired feature from a user’s perspective. In an User Story these pieces of functionality or features must relate to business value. As mentioned User Stories are very brief descriptions and with that become a place holder for conversations between business people and developers When this conversations take place, knowledge is spread across all involved people and a shared understanding is the result. User Stories focus on value to be delivered to an user. …

User Stories Well Done Read more »

Most people involved in Agile Software Development are familiar with User Stories which, in it’s slimmest form, consist of a narrative and a small set of acceptance criteria. But what about Epics? What exactly is an epic and how does it distinguish from a user story, theme, initiate, spike or task? Let’s have a look what the purpose of an epic is and what it usually looks like in Agile Software Development.