The Four Ears Model

The four ears model by Friedemann Schulz von Thun explains how communication works in the field of practice. This four ears model is an excellent reminder of the extent of information we get when talking. Also, this communication model gives us critical points for further action or talks.

These four ears model by von Thun is a straightforward concept. As per this model, every message comes with four layers of expression. Also, these four layers are the source of information. These layers include:

  • The Matter Layer

This layer of expression comprises the factual message.

  • The Relationship Layer

This layer contains the message that reveals the relationship to the individual listening.

  • The Self-Revealing Layer

This layer carries the implicit data about that individual speaking.

  • The Appeal Layer

The appeal layer is crucial in building on the previous. Also, this part is vital in calling for non-action or action from the one listening.

There are several notes you can make from any of these four layers. All these four layers are available within a message. You can access them if your focus is only on linguistic intricacies of communication. Also, you’re not left out if you aim only on body language. Other than this, note that you’ll enjoy everything in a more wholesome discussion.

Now, let’s get a deeper meaning of this model by focusing on a real-life situation. The first thing to note is that the speaker will keep the matter layer undeveloped. Or, you’ll note that the speaker will skip this layer intentionally. However, you’ll note all these if you get exposed to a dysfunctional state in a work environment.

Also, you’ll realize that the person is after developing a dynamic relationship. But you’ll note this only if you take note of the other packaged information. Yes, all these incidences are alright. But, you’ll realize something if the person keeps the messages empty of factual content. You’ll start questioning if the conversation is not meant generally for maintaining the structure that thrives on facade roles.

All four layers have unique roles. Schulz von Thun gives us an excellent example showing how these layers work. We come across a front-seat passenger in this classic example who provides a clear picture of the layers. He informs the driver that the traffic lights display a green color. As per von Thun, the driver will understand differently and react differently depending on the ear that gets the message.

In the case of the matter layer, the driver will get the fact that the traffic lights display a green color. In the self-revelatory layer, the drive will assume that the passenger is in a hurry. In the relationship layer, the driver will think that the passenger wants to offer some help.

Thus, this typical example shows that the emphasis on the four ear layers can have a different meaning. Also, the focus on the four ear layers can raise different reactions.

In general, misunderstandings arise from the four ear layers.

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