Extreme Programming (XP) is a methodology for agile software development. It is a good method for boosting software quality, accelerating the incorporation of customer feedback and is healthy for developers. It is one of the more vital methods in software development compared to phase based methods like waterfall or even scrum with its more rigid structure. Compared to other methods Extreme Programming emphasizes on engineering practices for software development. Extreme Programming comes with five values and a set of practices.

This question has been the primary thing of focus for most people who are new to Scrum. Yes, it seems daunting at first, but it is not a challenge to get the right answer.

You can underestimate the crucial role played by teams. Good teams can work excellent together and study shows that higher positivity on a team leads to higher productivity. Thus, developing a team must not be an option if you’re after more fabulous work experience.

The four ears model by Friedemann Schulz von Thun explains how communication works in the field of practice. This four ears model is an excellent reminder of the extent of information we get when talking. Also, this communication model gives us critical points for further action or talks.

When you visit the East Gardens of the Imperial Palace in Tokyo Japan, you’ll either get a card and can enter the park or get told that the park is full. There is a certain amount of cards available on the entrance and each person that enters the park get exactly one. If all cards are handed out, you have to wait until someone leaves the park and returns their card. That card is called a Kanban. Kanban is a japanese word that translates to sign or singboard. Kanban is not only a signal card or token in japanese parks. According to Wikipedia it is also „a scheduling system for lean manufacturing and just-in-time manufacturing (JIT)“ developed at Toyota by Taiichi Ohno. Here also the …

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